What Is a Sociopath? Key Traits, Causes & Current Treatments

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"Know someone who tends to be nervous, jittery, easily agitated or perhaps violent towards others at times? Worried that this person may have a serious psychological problem, and could potentially be a danger to those around them? You may find yourself asking, “What is a sociopath?”

While only a very small percentage of people with antisocial personality traits — such as frequent aggressive behaviors, social isolation and a tendency to break rules — are actually considered to be true sociopaths, all of these characteristics can be warning signs of deep-rooted mental dysfunction.

Experts believe that the prevalence rate of sociopathy may be higher than you think— around 1-4 percent of the total adult population, with more men than women being affected. Roughly one in 25 Americans is considered to be a sociopath, according to Harvard psychologist Dr. Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door. (1)

While there’s not complete consensus over the numbers, many experts estimate that Antisocial Personality Disorders (which include sociopathy and psychopathy) affects about 3 percent of adult males and around 1 percent of females.

What Is a Sociopath? Key Characteristics & Personality Traits
What is a sociopath, according to the official psychological definition? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which is the official resource used by psychiatrists and psychologists for diagnosing mental disorders, states that a sociopath is someone with a personality disorder who “displays antisocial tendencies that are ascribed to social or environmental factors.”  Other definitions include “A pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.” (2) In order to be diagnosed as a sociopath, these traits usually need to begin occurring before or around the age of 15. (3)

Sociopathy is considered a type of personality disorder, meaning it has certain things in common with other mental personality disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. The essential features of a personality disorder are: impairments in personality (those that affect both the self and interpersonal relationships) and the presence of pathological (compulsive or obsessive) personality traits.

Those with personality disorders display social patterns that are out of the ordinary in comparison to what most people would normally do in their culture or circumstance. They feel, think, perceive, and relate differently than people without personality disorders. Because sociopathic behavior is compulsive, someone with this personality disorder is not able to simply “turn off” their negative thoughts or traits, or snap out of bad moods. And usually they can’t even recognize the ways in which they’re traits are problematic.

Sociopathy is officially indicated by three (or more) of the following dysfunctional traits and behaviors:
Having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.
Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.
Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.
Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.
Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations.
Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing.
Sociopath - Dr. Axe
While it’s common to use the terms sociopathy and psychopathy interchangeably, as you’ll learn, most psychology experts believe that there are some important differences between the two. Sociopaths are sometimes called psychopaths, but more on this below. The fifth edition of the DSM-5 (updated and released by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013) classifies both sociopathy and psychopathy under the heading of Antisocial Personality Disorders (ASPD). There is some overlap between the two disorders, including “ego-centrism” and self-serving behaviors. These are characterized by things like gaining self-esteem from personal gain, power over others or pleasure even in circumstances when obtaining these things harms other people. (10)

Common Traits & Symptoms of a Sociopath
Sociopaths are capable of working normal jobs, may be married or have children, and might even appear to be overall “successful” in life. However under stress, abnormal traits might worsen and cause outrage of aggression. Sociopathic signs are often evident in the workplace, during life transitions like going off to college, marriage or divorce; during arguments; and anywhere where social interaction and a variety of other forces come together (especially those involving being under pressure, meeting deadlines, or requiring change and criticism).

Several specific signs of sociopathic personality disorder might include: (11)

Significant impairments in self functioning, including “ego-centrism” or self-esteem derived from personal gain, power, or pleasure. This might display itself as a sociopath taking advantage of family members, peers, coworkers, and so on. According to an article published by the Huffington Post, many sociopaths act similarly to narcissists in that they have an “inflamed self image,” don’t take criticism well and blame others. (12)
Although many have a high IQ and retain information well, they often experience problems with self-direction, including an abnormal ability to set goals. Goals are usually internal and solely based on personal gratification, but don’t take into account “pro-social” standards (contributing to the good of society or other’s lives). Sociopaths also tend to act impulsively and react quickly without thinking through consequences.
Failure to conform to lawful or culturally normative ethical behavior. This usually means acting out in violence, getting into trouble at school, breaking the law and having difficulty holding a steady job.
Lack of empathy, meaning lacking care or concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others. Sociopaths tend to lack feelings of guilt, shame or remorse after hurting or mistreating another, which makes it very hard  to sustain healthy relationships or to learn a lesson when they’ve made a social mistake. They can’t place themselves “in someone else’s shoes” or imagine how someone who is hurting might be suffering. Some experts describe this as lacking a normal “inner emotional world” like most others. They might also appear very calm even in alarming or emergency situations, as if they aren’t affected by anxiety like others around them.
Lacking intimacy, or an incapacity for mutually intimate relationships. Sociopaths tend to be loners, don’t have lots of close friends, and commonly exploit others through deceit, coercion, use of dominance or intimidation. They often desire control over others and don’t care about compromise or relating in a selfless way. And if they do come off as “charming”, it might be with the wrong intentions in mind. “Sneakiness”, strong eye contact, lack of facial expressions and a sense of mystery might make some people with personality disorders seem intriguing, but this is usually a disguise and superficial.
Alcohol and drug abuse, or addictive behaviors like frequently gambling, shopping, working, spending money, and so on.
Crimes like theft or burglary
Harm towards property of others or animals
Antisocial Personality Disorder Risk Factors and Potential Causes
Personality disorders usually form during childhood and are believed to be shaped through a combination of genetics (inherited tendencies) and upbringing or environmental factors. Men are at a much greater risk of having antisocial personality disorder than women are.

While it’s not exactly clear what the main cause of antisocial personality disorders are, risk factors include: (13)

Family history of antisocial personality disorder or other personality disorders or mental illness
Changes in the way the brain functions due to abnormal brain development or injuries
Diagnosis of childhood conduct disorder, misbehaving, aggression, etc.
Being subjected to abuse or neglect during childhood
Unstable, violent or chaotic family life during childhood
Low social and economic status, or homelessness
Alcohol or substance abuse
Being in jail or prison
A history of homicidal or suicidal behaviors
Having other mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety
Gang participation, especially during youth
Conventional Treatment For Dealing With Sociopath Disorders
One troubling finding, according to Psych Central, is that few individuals with antisocial personality disorders actually wind up seeking help on their own, mostly because they don’t think anything is wrong with their behavior. (14) Ultimately more than 46 percent of those with antisocial personality disorders will receive professional treatment at some point. For those who do, it’s usually due to confounding problems such as marital problems or abuse, alcohol or drug abuse, violent (sometimes criminal) behaviors or suicidal thoughts.

More than ever before, a range of conventional and alternative methods for treating those with personality disorders are now available. Treatment depends on how severe the mental illness is, the willingness of the afflicted person to undergo treatment, and whether the patient chooses to try managing their disorder naturally, or through use of combination therapy/medication. Some of the treatments used by psychologists and psychiatrists when treating sociopaths include:

Neuropsychological assessment
Prescription medications: Usually medications aren’t routinely used to treat antisocial personality disorder, however sometimes they are to curb things like anxiety, aggression, lack of focus, depression or threatening behaviors. Phenytoin (Dilantin) is an anticonvulsant that has been shown to reduce impulsive aggression in some patients, and drugs including carbamazepine, valproate, propranolol, buspirone and trazodone may be used to treat those with behavioral problems due to brain-injury or mentally retardation. Stimulant medication can also be used to reduce symptoms of attention deficit disorder. Psych Central states that tranquilizers (benzodiazepine) are not recommended for sociopaths because “they are potentially addictive and may lead to loss of behavioral control.”
Psychotherapy, family therapy or group therapy
Hospitalization or rehabilitation if need be (such as to help treat alcohol and drug abuse)
When needed, prison or jail may be the only way to keep very violent sociopaths from harming others
Or natural alternatives that may help with mental illnesses including: guided meditative strategies, acupuncture, yoga, exercise, herbal medicine or body massages— many of which help to relieve stress and built-up tension.
No matter what type of mental illness someone might be dealing with, chances are they are experiencing symptoms of related mental health problems like: depression, anxiety, paranoia, insecurity, and isolation/withdrawal from society. All of these can result from neurological changes, including changes in endorphins (“feel good hormones”).For this reason many patients will work with a therapist to overcome root problems and form more supportive relationships, which are key for building intimacy, trust and recovering."

"Know someone who tends to be nervous, jittery, easily agitated or perhaps violent towards others at times? Worried that this person may have a serious psychological problem, and could potentially be a danger to those around them? You may find yourself asking, “What is a sociopath?”

While only a very small percentage of people with antisocial personality traits — such as frequent aggressive behaviors, social isolation and a tendency to break rules — are actually considered to be true sociopaths, all of these characteristics can be warning signs of deep-rooted mental dysfunction.

Experts believe that the prevalence rate of sociopathy may be higher than you think— around 1-4 percent of the total adult population, with more men than women being affected. Roughly one in 25 Americans is considered to be a sociopath, according to Harvard psychologist Dr. Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door. (1)

While there’s not complete consensus over the numbers, many experts estimate that Antisocial Personality Disorders (which include sociopathy and psychopathy) affects about 3 percent of adult males and around 1 percent of females.

What Is a Sociopath? Key Characteristics & Personality Traits
What is a sociopath, according to the official psychological definition? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which is the official resource used by psychiatrists and psychologists for diagnosing mental disorders, states that a sociopath is someone with a personality disorder who “displays antisocial tendencies that are ascribed to social or environmental factors.”  Other definitions include “A pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.” (2) In order to be diagnosed as a sociopath, these traits usually need to begin occurring before or around the age of 15. (3)

Sociopathy is considered a type of personality disorder, meaning it has certain things in common with other mental personality disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. The essential features of a personality disorder are: impairments in personality (those that affect both the self and interpersonal relationships) and the presence of pathological (compulsive or obsessive) personality traits.

Those with personality disorders display social patterns that are out of the ordinary in comparison to what most people would normally do in their culture or circumstance. They feel, think, perceive, and relate differently than people without personality disorders. Because sociopathic behavior is compulsive, someone with this personality disorder is not able to simply “turn off” their negative thoughts or traits, or snap out of bad moods. And usually they can’t even recognize the ways in which they’re traits are problematic.

Sociopathy is officially indicated by three (or more) of the following dysfunctional traits and behaviors:
Having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest.
Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.
Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead.
Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults.
Reckless disregard for safety of self or others.
Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations.
Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing.
Sociopath - Dr. Axe
While it’s common to use the terms sociopathy and psychopathy interchangeably, as you’ll learn, most psychology experts believe that there are some important differences between the two. Sociopaths are sometimes called psychopaths, but more on this below. The fifth edition of the DSM-5 (updated and released by the American Psychiatric Association in 2013) classifies both sociopathy and psychopathy under the heading of Antisocial Personality Disorders (ASPD). There is some overlap between the two disorders, including “ego-centrism” and self-serving behaviors. These are characterized by things like gaining self-esteem from personal gain, power over others or pleasure even in circumstances when obtaining these things harms other people. (10)

Common Traits & Symptoms of a Sociopath
Sociopaths are capable of working normal jobs, may be married or have children, and might even appear to be overall “successful” in life. However under stress, abnormal traits might worsen and cause outrage of aggression. Sociopathic signs are often evident in the workplace, during life transitions like going off to college, marriage or divorce; during arguments; and anywhere where social interaction and a variety of other forces come together (especially those involving being under pressure, meeting deadlines, or requiring change and criticism).

Several specific signs of sociopathic personality disorder might include: (11)

Significant impairments in self functioning, including “ego-centrism” or self-esteem derived from personal gain, power, or pleasure. This might display itself as a sociopath taking advantage of family members, peers, coworkers, and so on. According to an article published by the Huffington Post, many sociopaths act similarly to narcissists in that they have an “inflamed self image,” don’t take criticism well and blame others. (12)
Although many have a high IQ and retain information well, they often experience problems with self-direction, including an abnormal ability to set goals. Goals are usually internal and solely based on personal gratification, but don’t take into account “pro-social” standards (contributing to the good of society or other’s lives). Sociopaths also tend to act impulsively and react quickly without thinking through consequences.
Failure to conform to lawful or culturally normative ethical behavior. This usually means acting out in violence, getting into trouble at school, breaking the law and having difficulty holding a steady job.
Lack of empathy, meaning lacking care or concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others. Sociopaths tend to lack feelings of guilt, shame or remorse after hurting or mistreating another, which makes it very hard  to sustain healthy relationships or to learn a lesson when they’ve made a social mistake. They can’t place themselves “in someone else’s shoes” or imagine how someone who is hurting might be suffering. Some experts describe this as lacking a normal “inner emotional world” like most others. They might also appear very calm even in alarming or emergency situations, as if they aren’t affected by anxiety like others around them.
Lacking intimacy, or an incapacity for mutually intimate relationships. Sociopaths tend to be loners, don’t have lots of close friends, and commonly exploit others through deceit, coercion, use of dominance or intimidation. They often desire control over others and don’t care about compromise or relating in a selfless way. And if they do come off as “charming”, it might be with the wrong intentions in mind. “Sneakiness”, strong eye contact, lack of facial expressions and a sense of mystery might make some people with personality disorders seem intriguing, but this is usually a disguise and superficial.
Alcohol and drug abuse, or addictive behaviors like frequently gambling, shopping, working, spending money, and so on.
Crimes like theft or burglary
Harm towards property of others or animals
Antisocial Personality Disorder Risk Factors and Potential Causes
Personality disorders usually form during childhood and are believed to be shaped through a combination of genetics (inherited tendencies) and upbringing or environmental factors. Men are at a much greater risk of having antisocial personality disorder than women are.

While it’s not exactly clear what the main cause of antisocial personality disorders are, risk factors include: (13)

Family history of antisocial personality disorder or other personality disorders or mental illness
Changes in the way the brain functions due to abnormal brain development or injuries
Diagnosis of childhood conduct disorder, misbehaving, aggression, etc.
Being subjected to abuse or neglect during childhood
Unstable, violent or chaotic family life during childhood
Low social and economic status, or homelessness
Alcohol or substance abuse
Being in jail or prison
A history of homicidal or suicidal behaviors
Having other mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety
Gang participation, especially during youth
Conventional Treatment For Dealing With Sociopath Disorders
One troubling finding, according to Psych Central, is that few individuals with antisocial personality disorders actually wind up seeking help on their own, mostly because they don’t think anything is wrong with their behavior. (14) Ultimately more than 46 percent of those with antisocial personality disorders will receive professional treatment at some point. For those who do, it’s usually due to confounding problems such as marital problems or abuse, alcohol or drug abuse, violent (sometimes criminal) behaviors or suicidal thoughts.

More than ever before, a range of conventional and alternative methods for treating those with personality disorders are now available. Treatment depends on how severe the mental illness is, the willingness of the afflicted person to undergo treatment, and whether the patient chooses to try managing their disorder naturally, or through use of combination therapy/medication. Some of the treatments used by psychologists and psychiatrists when treating sociopaths include:

Neuropsychological assessment
Prescription medications: Usually medications aren’t routinely used to treat antisocial personality disorder, however sometimes they are to curb things like anxiety, aggression, lack of focus, depression or threatening behaviors. Phenytoin (Dilantin) is an anticonvulsant that has been shown to reduce impulsive aggression in some patients, and drugs including carbamazepine, valproate, propranolol, buspirone and trazodone may be used to treat those with behavioral problems due to brain-injury or mentally retardation. Stimulant medication can also be used to reduce symptoms of attention deficit disorder. Psych Central states that tranquilizers (benzodiazepine) are not recommended for sociopaths because “they are potentially addictive and may lead to loss of behavioral control.”
Psychotherapy, family therapy or group therapy
Hospitalization or rehabilitation if need be (such as to help treat alcohol and drug abuse)
When needed, prison or jail may be the only way to keep very violent sociopaths from harming others
Or natural alternatives that may help with mental illnesses including: guided meditative strategies, acupuncture, yoga, exercise, herbal medicine or body massages— many of which help to relieve stress and built-up tension.
No matter what type of mental illness someone might be dealing with, chances are they are experiencing symptoms of related mental health problems like: depression, anxiety, paranoia, insecurity, and isolation/withdrawal from society. All of these can result from neurological changes, including changes in endorphins (“feel good hormones”).For this reason many patients will work with a therapist to overcome root problems and form more supportive relationships, which are key for building intimacy, trust and recovering."
