My husband and I both came here from our village | American Girl

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"My husband and I both came here from our village to find work and make a life together. He got a job as a watchman and I got a job as domestic help.
american girl
..the initial few years went by smoothly. As time went by, he would have to work extra shifts and in order to stay awake at night he would drink heavily, have a hangover, drink some more and come home to remove all his frustration on me. When he started getting violent, I decided that I didn't want to be one of those women who tolerate abuse.
I told him that this job was taking a toll on his health and he should return to our village for a few months while I took care of our finances. By this time, I was working at many houses so I was earning enough to support my entire family, but he said it would look 'bad' that a woman was working in the city and her husband is in the village. I didn't give up -- I stopped giving him money to buy alcohol and even though he was violent towards us all earlier on, he realized that the only option was to leave.
Now he's in his village, I send him money every month and my daughter is here staying with me. She's just like me...she's 22 and during the day she comes with me to work, but after that she attends night school and keeps reading. A lot of people ask me when I plan on getting her married but I'm not worried about that -- I'd much rather make her independent before anything else."
"My husband and I both came here from our village to find work and make a life together. He got a job as a watchman and I got a job as domestic help.
american girl
..the initial few years went by smoothly. As time went by, he would have to work extra shifts and in order to stay awake at night he would drink heavily, have a hangover, drink some more and come home to remove all his frustration on me. When he started getting violent, I decided that I didn't want to be one of those women who tolerate abuse.
I told him that this job was taking a toll on his health and he should return to our village for a few months while I took care of our finances. By this time, I was working at many houses so I was earning enough to support my entire family, but he said it would look 'bad' that a woman was working in the city and her husband is in the village. I didn't give up -- I stopped giving him money to buy alcohol and even though he was violent towards us all earlier on, he realized that the only option was to leave.
Now he's in his village, I send him money every month and my daughter is here staying with me. She's just like me...she's 22 and during the day she comes with me to work, but after that she attends night school and keeps reading. A lot of people ask me when I plan on getting her married but I'm not worried about that -- I'd much rather make her independent before anything else."


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Whats ap+919876948857 . I am an indian i am 33 158 cm tall need date
Unknown said…
Whats ap+919876948857 . I am an indian i am 33 158 cm tall need date
Unknown said…
Skype name /moawia12343
Unknown said…
Skype name /moawia12343