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Completed operations coverage for bodily injury or property damage incurred because of a defect in a completed project of the insured. Premises and operations coverage for bodily injury incurred on the premises of the insured, and/or as the result of the insured's business operations. Elevator coverage for bodily injury incurred in an elevator or escalator on the insured's premises. Independent contractors coverage for bodily injury incurred as the result of negligent acts and omissions of an independent contractor employed by the insured.
Completed operations coverage for bodily injury or property damage incurred because of a defect in a completed project of the insured. Premises and operations coverage for bodily injury incurred on the premises of the insured, and/or as the result of the insured's business operations. Elevator coverage for bodily injury incurred in an elevator or escalator on the insured's premises. Independent contractors coverage for bodily injury incurred as the result of negligent acts and omissions of an independent contractor employed by the insured.